About Helen Staver

Helen Staver is the namesake for the ADGA/Staver Foundation.  Here is some background as reported in Southern Vermont Dairy Goat Association Newsletter.


By K.I.D. Gore

Helen Staver, a longtime member of  the Windham County Farm Bureau and devotee of DAIRY GOATS who has done an outstanding job of bridging the gap between dairy goats and the county farmers.       ·

A longtime owner of the MOUNTAIN HEARTH HERD of Nubian dairy goats in Marlboro, VT. A founder and prime motivator of the SOUTHERN VERMONT DAIRY GOAT ASS’N and responsible for its endowed home in Marlboro!  Also its long time trustee, who has held just about every office in that organization and is currently its treasurer.

Helen Staver has been the perennial show manager or show chairman of the S.V.D.G.A. official shows which have become among the finest and largest in the Northeast.

A member of the National Nubian Association and the  American Dairy Goat Association and delegate to the annual meetings of the A.D.G.A. and a long time Dairy Goat judge.

She is and has been the superintendent of the Goat Deptartment of the annual DEERFIELD FARM BUREAU’S FARMERS FIELD DAY Committee and chairman of the Farmer’s field day family goat show which has developed into  one of the outstanding exhibits of Field Day.

Helen has been active in sending dairy goats, from time to time, to under privileged farmers in South America and to Dr Sweitzer’s missionary hospital in Africa; as well as supplying county 4-H’ers with dairy goat kids for 4-H projects, including two this year.

A humanitarian active in the Windham County Humane Society, a lover of animals – not only has a barn full of goats, but more assorted cats than Disneyland or the San Diego Zoo!

She  takes an active part in Marlboro Town Affairs including everything from Marlboro College  to  the  Volunteer Fire Dept.

Helen has one of the greenest thumbs  in the county, both flower and vegetable ….. it is said that she has planted her peas every year before they start skiing on Mt. Hogback.

A talented and faceted Artist, who has had a series of one-man shows of her wonderful collages throughout the Northeast.
For her outstanding service to the DAIRY GOAT INDUSTRY and to DAIRY GOAT FARMING, Helen Staver was awarded a plaque which read:

The Third Annual Molly Stark Award presented to
Helen Staver
Dedicated Breeder, Owner, Promoter and Judge of  Dairy Goats
and Founder of the Southern Vermont Dairy Goat Association
by the