International Nubian Breeders Association

International Nubian Breeders Association


The International Nubian Breeders Association is offering two scholarships in 2016 in memory of Karen Senn and Vivian Proctor.

The $500 scholarships provide the opportunity for qualified ADGA members to attend an ADGA Judges’ Training Conference or ADGA Linear Appraisal Training.

In 2016, the INBA will award up to one scholarship in each of the two categories to a qualified and accepted recipient of $500 each, for a total allocated scholarship of $1,000.

If no award is issued in that category for 2016, the funds from this year will carry forward into next year to be applied to that unfilled category.

The INBA will review on an annual basis what awards, if any, it will fund for that current year. At no time will more than two awards be issued in any given year, nor more than one per category.

2016 Scholarship Applications must be emailed/faxed/postmarked by August 10, 2016

Click here for INBA Scholarship Application pdf version

Click here for INBA Scholarship Application Word Document version